Brevard Man Arrested For 4th DUI Following Wreck On State Road 528

A man from Brevard County is now facing his 4th DUI after rolling his car down an embankment. Deputies say it happened last Thursday night. They say Matthew McKechnie was driving erratically on State Road 528, and when he attempted to exit, he overcorrected. His vehicle crossed all lanes of traffic… fortunately not hitting anyone else… before flipping down an embankment, where it then caught on fire. McKechnie was the only person in the vehicle and miraculously, he sustained only minor injuries. Deputies say McKechnie did not pass the field sobriety exercises and he eventually gave two breath samples. Both were almost double the legal limit. McKechnie is now behind bars without bond, and facing charges including DUI, DUI with property damage, no proof of insurance, and driving with a suspended license with knowledge.